Charge cards often come with no preset spending limit, but typically require the entire balance to be paid in full each month. Not paying the balance in full will incur late fees and penalties. Many charge cards, however, offer a pay-over-time option similar to traditional credit cards.
Showing 15 cards
Shopify Credit
- No annual fee
- Business card
- Get up to 3% cash back on eligible purchases from your top spend category. Earn 1% on your next two highest spend categories
- Start earning credit towards Shop Cash offers after your first $5K in spend in the first 3 months of account opening. Get up to $2,000 in credits after spending $20K in the first 3 months
- Available only to merchants with a Shopify Payments account and a single-owner store based in the United States or Puerto Rico
Sinclair Green Card
Tomo Credit Card
- No annual fee
- Spending power ranges from $100 - $10,000
- 7-day automatic payment feature
- No credit history required
- The Tomo card uses third-party service providers such as Plaid to integrate your bank account and access data like your current balance
Business Green Rewards
Green Card
- Annual fee is $150
- Rewards
- Earn 40,000 membership rewards points after you spend $3,000 in your first 6 months
- Pay your bill in full or use the Pay Over Time feature to carry a balance with interest
- Use Plan It to select large purchases and split them into monthly payments with a fixed fee
Spark 2% Cash Plus
Ink Business Premier
- Annual fee is $195
- Business card
- Earn 2.5% cash back on purchases of $5,000 or more and 2% cash back on all other business purchases
- Earn $1,000 bonus cash back after you spend $10,000 on purchases in your first 3 months from account opening
- Pay in full card with flexibility to pay off eligible purchases over time with interest up to your Flex for Business limit. All other purchases must be paid in full each month
- Employee cards at no additional cost
Gold Card
- Annual fee is $250
- Rewards
- Earn 60,000 membership rewards points after you spend $6,000 in your first 6 months
- Pay your bill in full or use the Pay Over Time feature to carry a balance with interest
- Use Plan It to select large purchases and split them into monthly payments with a fixed fee
- Annual fee is $250
- Business card
- Earn unlimited 1.5% cash back on the portion of your balance you pay within 10 days of your statement closing date
- Enjoy the flexibility to pay in full each month or carry your balance for up to 60 days with no interest
- No Preset Spending Limit
Business Gold
- Annual fee is $295
- Business card
- Rewards
- Earn 150,000 membership rewards points after you spend $10,000 on eligible purchases in the first 3 months
- Earn 4X points on your top two spend categories. Earn 3X points on flights and prepaid hotels booked on Earn 1X points on everything else
- Earn up to $20 in statement credits each month for eligible U.S. purchases at FedEx, Grubhub, and Office Supply Stores.
- Cover the cost of a $12.95 monthly Walmart+ membership (subject to auto-renewal) with a statement credit after you pay for Walmart+ each month with your Business Gold Card
Venture X Business
- Annual fee is $395
- Business card
- Rewards
- Earn 150,000 bonus miles when you spend $30,000 in the first 3 months
- Receive an annual $300 credit for bookings through Capital One Travel
- Earn 10,000 bonus miles after your anniversary each year, starting with your first anniversary
- Complimentary Priority Pass membership
- Unlimited free Capital One Lounge visits
- Up to a $100 statement credit on Global Entry or TSA PreCheck
American Express Platinum Card for Schwab
- Annual fee is $695
- Rewards
- Earn 80,000 membership rewards points after spending $6,000 in your first 6 months
- Earn one Membership Rewards point for every eligible dollar you spend
- Receive a $100 card statement credit if your qualifying Schwab holdings are equal to or greater than $250,000
- Receive a $200 card statement credit if your qualifying Schwab holdings are equal to or greater than $1,000,000
- The Charles Schwab Cards from American Express are only available to clients who maintain an eligible Schwab account
Business Platinum
- Annual fee is $695
- Business card
- Rewards
- Earn 250,000 Membership Rewards Points after you spend $20,000 in qualifying purchases within your first 3 months
- 1.5X points on eligible purchases of $5K or more everywhere else, on up to $2 million of these purchases per calendar year
Platinum Card
- Annual fee is $695
- Rewards
- Earn 125,000 membership rewards points after you spend $8,000 on purchases on your new card in your first 6 months
- 5x points on prepaid hotels booked on
- Pay your bill in full or pay the minimum amount due and use the Pay Over Time feature to carry a balance with interest
- Use Plan It to select large purchases and split them into monthly payments with a fixed fee
The Platinum Card from American Express Exclusively for Morgan Stanley
- Annual fee is $695
- Rewards
- Earn 125,000 Membership Rewards points after you spend $8,000 on purchases on your new card in your first 6 months
- The Morgan Stanley Cards from American Express are only available to clients who maintain an eligible Morgan Stanley brokerage account